The Implementing Regulation (UE) no.144/2013, amending the previous standards allowed the use of resin for the partial extraction of cations on musts and wines, with the extension of the treatment to the general acidification (reduction of the pH) and not only the tartaric stability.
The Mastermind® pH systems have been promptly designed to be efficient in the most difficult applications on musts. The plant design solutions and the careful choice of resins was the winning combination for its immediate use in the wine industry, which requires a careful focus on the raw material. The system can wash in full autonomy during the reassembly until the final pH set by the operator is obtained or via the optional BLEND DEVICE, can mix the treated product with the one on the line; this allows the desired value of the pH to be obtained automatically on exit in compliance with the specific requirements of law.
The Mastermind® pH systems are available in the FULLautomatic and SEMIautomatic versions. The software checks that all the operations are performed observing the parameters outlined and continually diagnoses the instrumentation on the system. Mastermind® pH is deisgned to manage one or more columns of exchange resins and therefore there is more potential for work in the wine cellar thanks to a varied range of systems. In the FULL auto models the alternate and automatic management of various tanks along with different capacities is possible in order to allow the clear separation of different types of wine. There are circuits dedicated both to the recovery of water and the safety of the acid regeneration cycle.
The systems are certified according to the standards UNI EN 1672-2 for hygiene requirements; the exchange resins are certified as suitable for use in the food sector.
- reliable resins with high yield
- intuitive system, easy to use
- ability to manage several columns
- ability to obtain the desired pH value on exit
- dedicated safety circuits
- optimisation of the water consumption