JU.CLA.S Srl is the plant engineering company of VASONGROUP. It was founded at the end of the 80s thanks to the birthright of the continuous must clarification process, known as flotation. Hence the acronym JUICE CLARIFICATION SYSTEMS. The company is constantly engaged in the development of innovative technologies for the food and wine sector in general, specialising in winery technologies for processes of excellence.
Today JU.CLA.S, with its worldwide presence, is an industry leader. There are various patented techniques and services offered, able to respond promptly to the demands of companies in the beverage sector.
A company synonymous with reliability, which has customer satisfaction as the founding principle of its business. It seeks to not only win customers’ trust, but above all to maintain it over time. The owner of numerous brands and patents primarily falls within the wine-making world, with unique, personalised solutions and the guarantee of professional technical support.